Man pages for skranz/RMaxima
An interface between R and Maxima

add.maxima.printftxt is a vector of maxima commmands each line is a command...
ccJust a short cut
copy.into.listCopy elements of an environment into a list
displayDisplay stuff in a convenient form
extract.maxima.varExtract names of all variables from a maxima expression
get.all.lhsTakes a system of equations L=R and gets L-R
lhsExtracts the lhs from a maxima equation
lhs.dir.rhsSeparates from a vector of (in-)equalities the lhs,...
locate.maxima.varLocate positions (a stringtools pos) of all variables in a... maxima code to R. VERY preliminary
merge.linestransforms c("A","B") into "A\nB"
mx.bordered.hessianComputes the bordered hessian matrix, used for concavity...
mx.check.concavityReturns sufficient conditions from a principal minor test...
mx.comparative.staticsPerform comparative statics of a system of equations
mx.concave.condReturns the conditions from the principal minor test that the...
mx.determinantCompute symbolically determinant of a matrix
mx.diffDifferentiate an expression
mx.gams.mcpGenerate Kuhn-Tucker-Conditions (usable in a MCP) for a given...
mx.hessianComputes the hessian of a maxima expression whether to expressions ar equal
mx.jacobianComputes the jacobian of a maxima expression
mx.listConvert an R vector to a maxima list
mx.matrixA synonym for
mx.negative.definite.condGet a symbolic condition for negative definiteness of a...
mx.quasi.concave.condReturns the conditions from the principal minor test that the...
mx.result.listDoes not yet handle nested lists efficiently
mx.signTries to deduce the sign of a maxima expression
mx.simplifySimplifies an expression
mx.solveSolve eq for variables var matrix to an R matrix with the individual Maxima...
nlistCreates a list that is named by the names of its arguments
read.textwarpper to readLines, merge results to a single string
replace.maxima.varReplace in a maxima expression string variables org by new
rhsExtracts the rhs from a maxima equation R matrix with individual Maxima strings to a Maxima matrix
runmxRun the maxima code given in str
sep.linestransforms "A\nB" into c("A","B")
write.textwrapper to writeLines opens and closes connection
skranz/RMaxima documentation built on May 30, 2019, 1:08 a.m.