title: Problem Set fill_in_test output: html_document: keep_md: yes toc: yes

# Load libraries and source extra code

# Options for rendering data frames
# If you knit to a Word docx file, try
# data.frame.theme="word" 
# (needs RStudio > 1.2.1)
# You can also set the options like
# table.max.cols as chunk options
# Makes sense if there are too many, too wide
# columns in some chunks

RTutor::set.knit.print.opts(data.frame.theme="code", table.max.rows=25, table.max.cols=NULL, round.digits=5, signif.digits=8)

# continue knitting even if there is an error
knitr::opts_chunk$set(error = TRUE) 

Problemset Fill In Example

Note: Always save your solution files with UTF-8 Encoding!

Adapt the working directory below and run the setup chunk in RStudio. This creates the problem set files and the sample solution from this solution file.

Exercise 1 -- Fill in the placeholders


x = c(1,NA,5)
# # Compute the mean ignoring NA
# mean(x,___)

mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) 

Award: You did it

Great you solved the test!

skranz/RTutor documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 12:53 a.m.