Man pages for skranz/dbmisc
Tools for working with SQLite in R data from a database table to R format data from a database table to R format
dbConnectSQLiteWithSchemaCreates a connection to an SQLite database and sets the...
dbCreateSchemaTableCreate database table and possible indices from a simple yaml...
dbCreateSchemaTablesCreate or update database tables and possible indices from a...
dbCreateSQLiteFromSchemaCreate or update a SQLite database from a schema file
dbDeleteDelete row(s) from table
dbGetGet rows from a table
dbGetMemoiseGet results from a database like dbGet put buffer the results...
dbInsertInsert row(s) into table
dbTableColsGet a data frame with column information for a database table
dbUpdateUpdate a row in a database table
empty.df.from.schemaCreates an example data frame from a database schema table...
empty.row.from.schemaCreates an example row from a database schema table using...
get.db.schemaExtract schemas from a data base connection
init.schemaInit a schema by parsing table definition and store info in...
load.and.init.schemasLoad and init database table schemas from yaml file
logDBcommandlog a command that changes a database
schema.r.classesGet a vector of R classes of the database columns described...
schema.templateCreate an example schema from a list of R objects
set.db.schemaSet schemas as hidden attribute to a data base connection db
sql.where.codeCreate a parametrized or escaped SQL WHERE clause from the...
to.db.dateConvert an R object to a date object that can be used in a...
to.db.datetimeConvert an R object to a datetime object that can be used in...
skranz/dbmisc documentation built on Oct. 15, 2022, 2:11 p.m.