Man pages for skranz/regtools
Some tools for regressions and presentation of regressions results

coefplotGraphically compare sizes of regression coefficient
effectplotPlot for regressions to compare effects sizes of normalized...
expanded.regressionRerun the regression reg with a formula and data in which all...
expanded.regression.dataCreates a data.frame with all dummy variables and transformed...
formula.dep.varReturns the dependent variable of a formula object
get.coef.matget the matrix with coefficients, se, t-value, p-value of a...
get.effect.sizesSimple function to compute effect sizes used by effectplot
get.regression.dataExtract data from a regression model
get.regression.varExtract values of the variable var from a regression model...
glm.marginal.effectsWrapper to mfx package to extract marginal effects from a glm...
model.dep.varReturns the name of the dependent variable of a model object
name.of.depvarTry to extract name of the dependent variable from a...
normalize.column.namesNormalize column names such that they are valid variable...
predict.felmAn implementaion of predict for felm
regression.anatomy.plotsRegression anatomy plots
regression.dataCreates a data.frame that can be used to run a regression...
regression.formulagenerates a regression formula from a data.frame assuming the... a model summary with robust standard errors Using the... units of columns in a data frame, e.g. measure...
showregShow and compare regression results
vcovClusterGet clustered robust standard errors for regression model mod
vcovRobustWrapper to get robust vcov of different kinds
skranz/regtools documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:02 a.m.