
# dbInsert = function(conn, table, vals,sql=NULL,run=TRUE, mode=c("insert","replace")[1]) {
#   restore.point("dbInsert")
#   cols = names(vals)
#   if (is.null(sql)) {
#     sql <- paste0(mode, " into ", table," values (",
#       paste0(":",cols,collapse=", "),")")
#   }
#   if (!run) return(sql)
#   ret = dbSendQuery(conn, sql, params=vals)
#   invisible(ret)
# }
# dbDelete = function(conn, table, params, sql=NULL) {
#   restore.point("dbDelete")
#   if (is.null(sql)) {
#     if (length(params)==0) {
#       where = ""
#     } else {
#       where = paste0(" where ", paste0(names(params)," = :",names(params), collapse= " AND "))
#     }
#     sql = paste0('delete from ', table, where)
#   }
#   rs = dbSendQuery(conn, sql, params=params)
#   rs
# }
# dbGetRow = function(conn, table, params, sql=NULL) {
#   restore.point("dbGetRow")
#   if (is.null(sql)) {
#     if (length(params)==0) {
#       where = ""
#     } else {
#       where = paste0(" where ", paste0(names(params)," = :",names(params), collapse= " AND "))
#     }
#     sql = paste0('select * from ', table, where)
#   }
#   rs = dbSendQuery(conn, sql, params=params)
#   res = dbFetch(rs)
#   if (NROW(res)==0) return(NULL)
#   res
# }
# dbCreateSchemaTables = function(conn,schema=NULL, schema.file=NULL, overwrite=FALSE,silent=FALSE) {
#   restore.point("dbCreateSchemaTables")
#   if (is.null(schema)) {
#     schema = yaml.load_file(schema.file)
#   }
#   tables = names(schema)
#   table = "loginlinks"
#   lapply(tables, function(table) {
#     s = schema[[table]]
#     if (overwrite)
#       try(dbRemoveTable(conn, table), silent=silent)
#     if (!dbExistsTable(conn, table)) {
#       # create table
#       sql = paste0("CREATE TABLE ", table,"(",
#         paste0(names(s$table), " ", s$table, collapse=",\n"),
#         ")"
#       )
#       dbSendQuery(conn,sql)
#       # create indexes
#       for (index in s$indexes) {
#         err = try(dbSendQuery(conn,index), silent=TRUE)
#         if (is(err,"try-error")) {
#           msg = as.character(err)
#           msg = str.right.of(msg,"Error :")
#           msg = paste0("When running \n", index,"\n:\n",msg)
#           stop(msg)
#         }
#       }
#     }
#   })
#   invisible(schema)
# }
skranz/shinyEventsLogin documentation built on May 20, 2023, 9:54 a.m.