fisheryO: fisheryO: A "Research Compendium" for ICES Fisheries...

Description fisheryO plotting functions fisheryO data cleaning functions fisheryO raw data


The fisheryO package is offered to provide documentation of the processes used to download, aggregate, and analyze data for ICES Fisheries Overviews. Further, the package contains R functions to facilitate the standard plotting of these data.

fisheryO plotting functions

area_definition_map stockSummaryTable_fun stockPie_fun gesPie_fun stock_trends_fun plot_kobe guild_discards_fun ices_catch_plot stecf_plot

fisheryO data cleaning functions

area_definition clean_sag frmt_summary_tbl stock_props ices_stock_props ges_stock_props clean_stock_trends stock_catch stock_status ices_catch_data stecf_data

fisheryO raw data

stock_list_raw sag_summary_raw sag_refpts_raw sag_keys_raw ices_catch_historical_raw ices_catch_official_raw species_list_raw stecf_effort_raw stecf_landings_raw ices_shape eco_shape europe_shape

slarge/fisheryO documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:04 a.m.