  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"



The eqr package is a set of analytical tools designed for working with the NOAA Significant Earthquakes dataset. The workflow basically consists of the following steps:

In what follows, we will illustrate each of these steps by providing specific examples that feature eqr functions.

Data cleaning

This step is performed using the eq_clean_data. The user needs to provide a path to the data set and the corresponding file name:

eq_data <- eq_clean_data('./', 'noaa-data-set.txt')

As a result, one obtains a clean, ready-to-use data set that is compatible with plotting and mapping functions. The eq_clean_data includes a call to eq_location_clean whose goal is to extract a country name from the location string. The function is vectorized.

eq_location_clean('CANADA: OTTAWA')
eq_location_clean(c('CANADA: OTTAWA', 'COLOMBIA: BOGOTA'))


Earthquake maps can be produced using the eq_map function.

eq_data %>% filter(COUNTRY == 'COLOMBIA') %>% eq_map()

These maps are fully interactive and are annotated using earthquake dates by default. Pointers' labels can be changed by supplying a column name that is used for generating a new set of labels (the annot_col parameter). Let's use the earthquake magnitude for annotations:

eq_data %>% filter(COUNTRY == 'COLOMBIA') %>% eq_map(annot_col = 'EQ_PRIMARY')

A more informative label (location + magnitude + the number of deaths) can be produced using the eq_create_label function:

eq_data %>% filter(COUNTRY == 'COLOMBIA' & DATE > as.Date('1990-01-01')) %>%
  mutate(labels = eq_create_label(COUNTRY, EQ_PRIMARY, DEATHS)) %>%
  eq_map(annot_col = 'labels')

Timeline plots

Timeline plots are a convenient way to visualize the earthquake sequential order along with other important information for a particular country. These plots are generated using two ggplot2 geom functions: (i) geom_timeline and (ii) geom_timeline_label. As an example, let's generate a timeline plot for earthquakes happened in Italy. The point size and color will be used for coding the earthquake magnitude and the number of deaths, respectively.

ggplot(data = eq_data %>% filter(COUNTRY == "ITALY"),
       aes(x = DATE, size = EQ_PRIMARY, color = TOTAL_DEATHS,
           xmin = as.Date('1950-01-01'),
           xmax = as.Date('2015-01-01'))) +
 geom_timeline() +

Note that the data for more than one country can be plotted. Also, it is important to note that the input data can be pre-filtered using the xmin and xmax parameters. The number of output points' labels is controlled by the 'nmax' parameter which refers to the eathquake magnitude sorted in a descending order.

ggplot(data = eq_data %>% filter(COUNTRY %in% c('COLOMBIA', 'MEXICO', 'USA')),
       aes(x = DATE, y = COUNTRY, size = EQ_PRIMARY,
           color = TOTAL_DEATHS, xmin = as.Date('1970-01-01'),
           xmax = as.Date('2015-01-01'))) +
  geom_timeline_label(aes(label = as.character(DATE)), nmax = 2) +
  geom_timeline() +

slava-kohut/R-Capstone-SoftDev documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10 a.m.