Man pages for slepape/EasyqpcR
EasyqpcR for low-throughput real-time quantitative PCR data analysis

badCtEvaluation of the qPCR technical replicates
calDataCalculation of calibration factors
EasyqpcR-packageFunctions to analyse real-time quantitative PCR data at...
Efficiency_calculationRaw data for primer amplification efficiency calculation.
Gene_maximisationA data frame containing all the data from four different qPCR...
Gene_maximisation_corA data frame containing all the data from four different qPCR...
nrmDataDetermination of the NF, RQ, NRQ, NRQ scaled to control and...
qPCR_run1Raw data from the first qPCR run.
qPCR_run2Raw data from the second qPCR run.
qPCR_run3Raw data from the third qPCR run.
slopeFunction to calculate the amplification efficiency
totDataAggregation of qPCR biological replicates and data...
slepape/EasyqpcR documentation built on May 31, 2019, 12:13 p.m.