Connect API Utils - WIP

This package is an experimental WIP. The package is designed to provide an R client for the RStudio Connect API as well as helpful functions that utilize the client. The client is based off a similar client in the rsconnnect package, but is publicly exported to be easier to use, is extensible via an R6 class, and is separated from the rsconnect package for easier support and maintenance.


To get started:



To create a client:

client <- Connect$new(
  host = '',
  api_key = '<SUPER SECRET API KEY>'

Once a client is created there are a handful of useful functions:

To see all the functions, visit the documentation for the Connect class. More functions will be added.


There are also a handful of higher-level utility functions that use the client API. For example:

More utilities will be added.

slopp/connectApiUtils documentation built on May 20, 2019, 8:33 a.m.