
#' Get Authentication Token
#' @param frob A frob.
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @noRd
get_token <- function(frob)
  result  <- quairy("auth.getToken", frob = frob, .auth = FALSE)
  if (!quairy_status(result))
    stop("Failed to obtain token.", call. = FALSE)


#' Check Authentication Token.
#' Check whether installed authentication token is (still) valid.
#' @export
check_token <- function()
  result <- quairy("auth.checkToken")
  if (!quairy_status(result))
    stop("Failed to check token.", call. = FALSE)

  identical(result[["rsp"]][["stat"]], "ok")
smbache/dairy documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:01 a.m.