Man pages for smbache/magrittr
A Forward-Pipe Operator for R

compoundAssignment pipe
debug_fseqDebugging function for functional sequences.
debug_pipeDebugging function for magrittr pipelines.
expositionExposition pipe
faq-pipe-genderFAQ: What is the gender of the pipe?
freduceApply a list of functions sequentially
fseqExtract function(s) from a functional sequence.
functionsExtract the function list from a functional sequence.
magrittr-packagemagrittr - Ceci n'est pas un pipe
pipe-eagerEager pipe
pipe_eager_lexicalLazy and eager pipes
print.fseqPrint method for functional sequence.
teeTee pipe
smbache/magrittr documentation built on March 18, 2023, 6:21 p.m.