
The nestpas package provides a set of pipe-friendly aliases for a variety of operators. Previously these were a part of the magrittr package.

The following aliases are defined:

`+`            add                      
`&`            and
`/`            divide_by                  
`%/%`          divide_by_int    
`==`           equals                   
`[`            extract                        
`[[`           extract2                   
`[<-`          inset                        
`[[<-`         inset2                   
`%in%`         is_in                    
`>`            is_greater_than          
`<`            is_less_than           
`>=`           is_weakly_greater_than   
`<=`           is_weakly_less_than      
`%%`           mod                      
`*`            multiply_by              
`%*%`          multiply_by_matrix       
`!`            not / `n'est pas`
`|`            or                       
`^`            raise_to_power           
`attr<-`       set_attr                 
`attributes<-` set_attributes           
`colnames<-`   set_colnames
`comment<-`    set_comment 
`class<-`      set_class
`dim<-`        set_dim 
`names<-`      set_names               
`rownames<-`   set_rownames           
`-`            subtract               
`$`            use_series               

smbache/nestpas documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:02 a.m.