
#' ZeroClipboard Button Output
#' Create an Action Button with a ZeroClipboard data-clipboard-text attribute.
#' @param inputId The button Id.
#' @param label The  button Label.
#' @param clipText The text to be copied on click.
#' @param icon The button Id.
#' @param width The button width.
#' @return htmlOutput
#' @importFrom shiny tagList tags actionButton
#' @export
zeroclipButton <- function(inputId, label, clipText, icon = NULL, width = NULL)
    actionButton(inputId = inputId, label = label, icon = icon,
                 width = NULL, `data-clipboard-text` = clipText),
    tags$script(sprintf('var client_%s = new ZeroClipboard( $("#%1$s") );', inputId))
smbache/zeroclipr documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:02 a.m.