Man pages for smmueller/plotdesignr
Design Agronomic Field Experiments with more Power

choose_locationChoose locations of simulated expeirment
explore_best_mixExploratory analysis for choosing mixing parameter
explore_cluster_numberTests for appropriate cluster number
explore_dendrogramMake dendrogram and single map
finalize_clustersMake final clusters
get_all_filesRead one or more files
get_ashape_boundary_indicesGet the coordinate indices the descripe the boundary of an...
get_block_originFind the bottom left (south west) corner of a block
get_block_polygonsCreate polygons of a block with plots
get_experiment_dataSubset simulation data to experimental polygons
get_experiment_originsFind the bottom left (south west) corner of each block in a...
get_experiment_polygonsCreate polygons for simulation experiment
get_field_boundaryCreate a field boundary from points in an sf object
get_field_gridMake polygon grid of field
get_plot_boundaryCreate a matrix of the points defining a single plot polygon
get_test_dataGet a yields to use in simulation
get_utmFind the appropriate UTM based on longitude
input_checkerCheck configuration file
make_cluster_dataCreate a single data frame of field attributes from multiple...
MAKE_CLUSTER_REQUIREDRequired names and types for all inputs used in...
make_dendrogram_plotCreate active binding to plot code in a split screen device
make_experimentMake an experiment
MAKE_EXPERIMENT_REQUIREDRequired names and types for all inputs used in...
no_side_effect_warningStop execution if nothing is going to be returned or saved
plot_experimentPlot experiment polygons
plot_handlerSingle call for saving and displaying plots
rotate_experimentRotate either connected or disconnected experiment by given...
rotate_polygonMerge experiment or block polygon and rotate by a give angle
rotate_singleRotation around a single point
save_figSave a figure as a pdf
update_field_crsUpdate field CRS to UTM zone
smmueller/plotdesignr documentation built on Jan. 5, 2022, 10:55 a.m.