
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

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Function pulverize

pulverize receives three arguments: the output matrix Y, and two input matrices X and Z. Then, pulverize iterates through each column y of matrix Y, each column x of matrix X, and each column z of matrix Z in order to evaluate the linear regression: \begin{equation} y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x + \beta_2 z + \beta_3 x z. \end{equation} Finally, the function returns for each linear regression the p-value for the null hypothesis $\beta_3 = 0$. In genral, the output matrix Y can be any quantitative matrix such as concentrations of metabolites, or protein levels, etc.. The same holds true for the input matrices X and Y: Both have to be quantitative. For all matrices the number of rows are the number of observations and the number of columns the number of variables, i.e., all matrices must have the same number of rows. For reasons of efficiently, pulver does not adjust for additional covariates, instead the residuals from the phenotype adjusted for these parameters should be used.

Running function pulverize

Next, we generate three matrices Y, X, and Z, which are the input matrices for the function pulverize:

nobs <- 100
Y <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * 2), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(paste0("row", 1:nobs),
paste0("column", 1:2)))
X <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * 3), ncol = 3, dimnames = list(paste0("row", 1:nobs),
paste0("column", 1:3)))
Z <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * 4), ncol = 4, dimnames = list(paste0("row", 1:nobs),
paste0("column", 1:4)))

Finally, we call the function pulverize.

pulverize(Y, X, Z)

Normally, we want to only keep the significant associations, i.e., associations having a p-value less than 0.05. pulverize evaluates 24 tests ($2 \times 3 \times 4$), because matrices Y, X, and Z have 2,3, and 4 columns. To adjust for multiple testing, we use the Bonferroni correction for 24 tests. Thus, only p-values with a p-value less then $\frac{0.05}{2\times3\times4} = \frac{0.05}{24} \approx 0.002$ are significant and should be returned in the table.

pulverize(Y, X, Z, pvalue_threshold = 0.05/24)

For huge matrices improved run time is achieved by using multiple cores. Note, parallelization is only possible for environments with C/C++ compilers that support OpenMP.

nobs <- 1000
Y <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * 20), ncol = 20, dimnames = list(paste0("row", 1:nobs),
paste0("column", 1:20)))
X <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * 300), ncol = 300, dimnames = list(paste0("row", 1:nobs),
paste0("column", 1:300)))
Z <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * 40), ncol = 40, dimnames = list(paste0("row", 1:nobs),
paste0("column", 1:40)))
system.time(pulverize(Y, X, Z))
system.time(pulverize(Y, X, Z, cores = 2))

Running function pulverize_all

If the matrices Y, X, and Z are too big to load all at the same time, it might be beneficial to split the matrices into smaller matrices. Function pulverize_all receives as input three lists containing file names or matrices. Files can be saved as text files or DatABEL object files [@aulchenko2015package], which are binary files and therefore need less space and are faster to read. The files contain submatrices of the matrices Y, X, and Z. pulverize_all iterates through each list and calls pulverize for each combination of these submatrices.

Thus, first we create lists containing file names of larger matrices Y and X, and one list containing the matrix Z.

nobs <- 100
Y <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * 20), ncol = 20, dimnames = list(NULL,
paste0("column", 1:20)))
Y1 <- Y[,1:10]
Y2 <- Y[,11:20]
write.table(Y1, file = "Y1.txt", sep = "\t")
write.table(Y2, file = "Y2.txt", sep = "\t")
Ylist <- as.list(c("Y1.txt", "Y2.txt"))

For saving the matrix X as a DatABEL object file, we call the function write_databel:

X <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * 30), ncol = 30, dimnames = list(paste0("row", 1:nobs),
paste0("column", 1:30)))
X1 <- X[,1:15]
X2 <- X[,16:30]
write_databel(X1, "X1")
write_databel(X2, "X2")

write_databel creates the DatABEL object files which consist fvi- and fvd-files. For the call of pulverize_all it is sufficient to write in the list the fvi-file to indicate that this file is a DatABEL object file:

Xlist <- as.list(c("X1.fvi", "X2.fvi"))

If the matrix is not that big, there is no need to save the matrix as a text file or DatABEL object file, we can simply add the matrix into a list, as demonstrated for the matrix Z which is added in Zlist:

Z <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * 4), ncol = 4, dimnames = list(paste0("row", 1:nobs),
paste0("column", 1:4)))
Zlist <- list(NULL)
Zlist[[1]] <- Z

We then call pulverize_all:

pulverize_all(Ylist, Xlist, Zlist, output_file = "output_file.txt")

Finally, all files are removed:

file.remove("Y1.txt", "Y2.txt", "X1.fvi" ,"X1.fvd", "X2.fvi", "X2.fvd", "output_file.txt")

smolnos/pulver documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:03 a.m.