
  1. Upload your data file in csv format. R default options for read.csv will apply except for missing values where both (NA) and dot (.) are treated as missing. read.csv("yourdata.csv", na.strings = c("NA", "."))

  2. The uploaded data will map automatically it is a must that you have the following column names:

    • paramname: Parameter on which the effects are shown e.g. CL, Cmax, AUC etc.
    • covname: Covariate name that the effects belong to e.g. Weight, SEX, Dose etc.
    • label: Covariate value that the effects of which is shown e.g. 50 kg, 50 kg\90 kg (here the reference value is contained in the label). mid: Middle value for the effects usually the median from the uncertainty distribution.
    • lower: Lower value for the effects usually the 2.5% or 5% from the uncertainty distribution.
    • upper: Upper value for the effects usually the 97.5% or 95% from the uncertainty distribution.

Refer to the repo readme file for additional info: Click Here to go to the github repo.

The package vignettes include and introduction and multiple detailed examples: Introduction to coveffectsplot. PK example PK PD example Exposure Response

Contact me @ for feedback/bugs/features/pull requests!

Samer Mouksassi 2020

smouksassi/coveffectsplot documentation built on Jan. 19, 2024, 8:24 p.m.