Man pages for snarf-snarf/karma
Complementary tools for automated time-series machine learning.

auto.boxjenAutomated Box-Jenkins method - Improved model selection with...
auto.karmaTrain ARIMA model for automated univariate time series...
cforecastInEvaluate autoregressive moving average model (ARMA) model...
cforecastOutEvaluate autoregressive moving average model (ARMA) model...
karma.adfAugmented Dickey-Fuller test for stationarity.
karma.annARIMA model optimisation: Improved automatic model selection...
karma.boxjenkinsBox-Jenkins method for ARMA model selection on a stationary...
karma.castConvert "ARIMA" object to "" object.
karma.cvFitted model validation and cross-validation (and related...
karma.ensembleEnsemble learning for time-series: Train an ensemble of weak...
karma.fitFit ARIMA model to univariate time-series. Mostly a wrapper...
karma.forecast#Forecast and plot future periods: Combine multiple weak...
karma.fryTrain multiple time series datasets using multiple algorithms
karma.hillclimbingCombinatorial optimisation local search algorithm (modified...
karma.orderbinConvert fixed order terms to 0/NA mask (needed for function...
karma.portmanteauPortmanteau test to detect statistically significant...
karma.rfpermuteAutoregressive Random Forest with random permutations for...
karma.transformFind transformation steps required for stationarity.
karma.undiffReverse the effect of diff().
karma.validateModel validation metrics.
magic.karmaTrain multitude of models on a univariate time series
ModelEvaluationFunctionAutomated ARIMA model selection according to flexible...
snarf-snarf/karma documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:19 a.m.