Man pages for snarles/ClassEx
Extrapolation Methods for Multiclass Classification Accuracy

bdwid_all_predsGet predictions for a list of basis sets
ClassExRegClassification Extrapolation with Regression (and bootstrap...
ClassExReg1nnClassification Extrapolation with Regression (and bootstrap...
count_accSubroutine to compute average test accuracies ATA_k given...
fastRankComputing the rank of the correct label given classification...
fastRank1nnComputing the rank of the Euclidean distance between...
gaussian_basisFormula for Gaussian-kernel based extrapolation basis...
gaussian_kernel_cdfSubroutine to get the KDE estimate of Pr[X > x] using...
get_gaussian_basis_matGet a Gaussian-kernel based basis matrix for ClassExReg.
kernel_extrapKDE-based extrapolator for multi-class classification...
logmeanexpLog mean exponential
logsumexpLog sum exponential
raccsSubroutine to get all of the KDE estimates of the...
sub_accuraciesCompute average test accuracies ATA_k.
sub_accuracies_1nnCompute average test accuracies ATA_k for 1-nearest neighbor.
snarles/ClassEx documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:55 a.m.