Man pages for snikumbh/archR
Identify Different Architectures of Sequence Elements

archRarchR: A package for de novo discovery of different sequence...
archR_set_configSet archR run configuration
collate_archR_resultCollate raw clusters at the chosen iteration of archR result
collate_clustersCollate sequence IDs from an existing clustering according to...
get_clBasVecGet functions for archR result object
get_one_hot_encoded_seqsGet one-hot encoded sequences
get_seqs_clust_listRetrieve sequence clusters as a list from the sequence labels
handle_dir_creationHandle directory creation
make_dinuc_PWMsSimilarly to the PWM-like matrix for mononucleotides, make...
make_sinuc_PWMsMake a PWM-resembling matrix out of a given n-vector
plot_arch_for_clustersPlot cluster architectures as sequence logos.
plot_ggheatmapPlot a given position weight matrix as a heatmap using...
plot_ggseqlogoVisualize a given (PWM) matrix as a sequence logo.
plot_ggseqlogo_of_seqsPlot sequence logo of a collection of sequences
prepare_data_from_FASTAGenerate one-hot encoding of sequences given as FASTA file
run_archR_UILaunch archR's graphical user interface
seqs_strGet sequences from the archR result object
viz_bas_vec_heatmap_seqlogoVisualize the NMF basis vectors in a paired heatmap and...
viz_seqs_acgt_mat_from_seqsVisualize raw DNA sequences as an image
snikumbh/archR documentation built on July 5, 2021, 8:46 a.m.