Man pages for software-analytics/Rnalytica
An R package of JIRA defect datasets and tool suites for explainable software analytics

AutoSpearmanAutoSpearman - an automated variable selection approach based...
fitUniversal fit function (Sequential)
fit.parallelUniversal fit function (Parallel)
get.automated.spearmanAutomated Spearman rank correlation test
get.importanceGet variable importance for Logistic Regression and Random...
get.vcGet VarClus based on the absolute Spearman correlation... correlation groups according to VarClus based on the...
listDatasetList of defect datasets
loadDefectDatasetA Load Defect Dataset function
performance.calculationPerformance Calculation
plotVarClusGet VarClus plot based on the absolute Spearman correlation...
remove.constant.categoricalRemove constant metrics and categorical metrics
single.fitA single fit function
stepwise.vifAutomated Stepwise Variance Inflation Factor Analysis
software-analytics/Rnalytica documentation built on Aug. 16, 2020, 9:38 p.m.