Man pages for solavrov/hlpr
General Helper

addElementAdd an element to a given list
buildPeriodVectorBuild vector filled with repeating 1, 2, 3...
calcLogChangesCalculate vector of log percent changes of input vector
calcPercentChangesCalculate vector of simple percent changes of input vector
calcPercentInsideInclusiveCalculate percentage of vector's elements inside given range...
chartHistChart nice histogram
getAttributeReturn attribute of object
getByIndexReturn element "i" of "a" assuming that "a" has infinite tail...
getIndicesOfMaxGet indices of max element of matrix
getLastGet last element of vector
getLengthCheck that all params have length = 1 or same length > 1
getLengthsReturn vector of lengths of list elements
getSurfColorsReturn set of colors for 3d surface Author:
KKKVMake a function of four arguments take a vector as a fourth...
KVMake a function of two arguments take a vector as a second...
KVVMake a function of three arguments take vectors as a second...
KVVVMake a function of four arguments take vectors as a second,...
matrixSwitchSwitch that takes expression and results as vectors...
sumPeriodAggregate data of data frame summing up given periods
vectorSwitchCommon switch that takes expression as vector (helper.R)
solavrov/hlpr documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:38 a.m.