
Defines functions set_token

Documented in set_token

#' Sets Application Token
#' Captricity requires an application token to use the API. Get the token from \url{https://shreddr.captricity.com/}.
#' The functions looks for \code{CaptricityToken} in the environment. If it doesn't find it or if change is forced, 
#' it looks for arguments passed in the function. If it fails to find that, it asks for input.
#' Run this function before anything else.
#' @param app_token Application token. Get these from \url{https://shreddr.captricity.com/developer/}. 
#' @param force Force change the \code{CaptricityToken} stored in the environment
#' @keywords Sets Application Token
#' @export
#' @references \url{https://shreddr.captricity.com/developer/}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' set_token("app_token")
#' }

set_token <- function(app_token = NULL, force = FALSE) {

  env_id <- Sys.getenv("CaptricityToken")

  # If you cannot find CaptricityToken in the environment
  if (identical(env_id, "") | !force) {

  # First look for arguments passed in the function
  if (!is.null(app_token)) {
    Sys.setenv(CaptricityToken = app_token)

  # Else ask user for the details
  else {
    message("Couldn't find env var CaptricityToken.
             See ?set_token for more details.")
    message("Please enter your CaptricityToken and press enter:")
    pat <- readline(": ")
    Sys.setenv(CaptricityToken = pat)
soodoku/captr documentation built on May 30, 2019, 6:28 a.m.