Integrated C++ via Rcpp and RcppArmadillo packages for significant performance improvements.
Multiple functions rewritten in C++ to speed up the MCMC sampling algorithm and various other tasks.
The "Deviance" posterior output has been transformed and renamed "Posterior log-likelihood". The Deviance was previously calculated as -2 times the Posterior log-likelihood.
The plot(tournament_obj, type = "Deviance") figure is now created by evaluating plot(tournament_obj, type = "boxplot").
The log-likelihood of the models is now computed with the log-transformed discharge observations (normally distributed), rather than with discharge on the real scale (log-normally distributed).
Pointwise WAIC values (WAIC_i) stored to the model objects.
Implemented standard error computations for WAIC and Delta_WAIC estimates.
Applied log-sum-exp trick in WAIC and Bayes factor calculations for numerical stability.
Added DOI links to references.
Revised summary() output for tournament objects.
Updated package vignettes to reflect recent changes and improvements.
bdrc 1.1.0
The tournament function now supports information criteria (WAIC & DIC) as the model selection criteria, WAIC being the new default.
Six new real-world datasets from Iceland and Sweden containing paired observations of stage and discharge have be included in the package.
The package can now also be used in a user-friendly interactive rating curve builder Shiny application [].