
# if(Sys.getenv("USERNAME")%in%c("SQHW2","soren","sorhawell") || Sys.getenv("USER")=="travis2") {
#   if(!interactive()) Sys.setenv(RGL_USE_NULL=TRUE) #disable RGL for headless machines
#   library(devtools)
#   library(tools)
#   myPackage = "./forestFloor"
#   #remake of devtools::run_examples
#   run_examples_simple_no_Roxygenize = function(
#     pkg = ".",
#     topics = NULL,
#     run = TRUE
#   ) {
#     pkg = as.package(pkg)
#     if(is.null(topics)) {
#       files = devtools:::rd_files(pkg)
#     } else {
#       files = unlist(lapply(topics,function(i) {
#         fileName = devtools:::find_pkg_topic(topic=i)
#         if(is.null(fileName)) stop(paste("no .Rd-file match found for[",i,"] when looking up topics"))
#         return(fileName)
#       }))
#       path_man <- file.path(pkg$path, "man")
#       files = paste0(path_man,"/",files)
#       names(files) = basename(files)
#     }
#     lapply(files, devtools:::run_example,run=run)
#     "Done"
#   }
#   #if a package check, jump out of test fold and into check source folder
#   pa = getwd()
#   if(!interactive()) setwd("../00_pkg_src") else setwd("../.")
#   run_examples_simple_no_Roxygenize(pkg=myPackage, run=FALSE) #override dontrun
#   setwd(pa)
# }
sorhawell/forestFloor documentation built on Oct. 23, 2021, 2:20 a.m.