Man pages for southwick-associates/salicprep
Prepare Agency Data

check_raw_linesCompare count of lines in raw file to imported data frame
cust_dup_demoDemographic breakouts for customer duplication
cust_dup_demo_plotPlot results of cust_dup_demo()
cust_dup_identifyCreate a new (deduplicated) customer ID
cust_dup_nomissingSet cust_id to cust_id_raw where there are missing values in...
cust_dup_pctSummarize percent of customers with extra rows in raw table
cust_dup_pullPull customer records where duplicates were found
cust_dup_sampPull a sample of duplicated customers and their sales
cust_dup_yearAnnual dynamics for customer duplication
data_check_standardCheck standard data (cust, sale) formatting rules
date_to_charConvert all date columns in a data frame to character
plot_datesPlot sale date distributions
plot_demoMake distribution plot(s) for demographic variable(s)
plot_lic_typesMake a heatmap of license type customers by year
recode_dateConvert date variables from character to date format
res_idIdentify sales residency
summary_dateSummarize date distribution by year
summary_durationSummarize distribution of end_date - start_date by year
summary_lic_typesCount license type customers by year
summary_year_dotSummarize difference between "year" and year(dot) in sales
variable_allowed_datesGet a set of all dates that satisfy given conditions
southwick-associates/salicprep documentation built on Oct. 6, 2020, 12:03 p.m.