
# mosaic_fun_SY_2_SYN <- function(mfiles, ...) {
#   # TODO
#   # "SY_2_SYN___"
#   # if(product(dr[1])="OL_2_LFR___"){
#   #   readfromscratch<-function(m){
#   #     # extract
#   #     # get new paths
#   #     # filtra las bandas que queramos
#   #     # return the paths
#   #   }
#   #   filterchunks<-function(allfiles,bnds){
#   #     allfiles[grepl(paste0(bnds,".jp2"),allfiles, ignore.case=TRUE)]
#   #   }
#   #   bands<-c("ogvi.nc","tie_meteo.nc")#manual designation of bands
#   #
#   # }
#   allfun <- NULL
#   allfun$readfromscratch <- function(m, ...) {
#     args <- list(...)
#     if ("bands.files" %in% names(args)) {
#       bands.files <- args$bands.files
#     } else {
#       stop("Error reading from scrach.")
#     }
#     ext.dir <- file.path(args$scratch.tmp, gsub(".zip", "", basename(m)))
#     unzip(m, exdir = ext.dir, junkpaths = TRUE)
#     # newpaths<-list.files(ext.dir,full.names = TRUE)
#     newpaths <- file.path(ext.dir, paste0(bands.files, ".nc"))
#     # extract coordinates
#     coordinates.file <- file.path(ext.dir, "geolocation.nc")
#     coor.info <- gdal_utils(
#       util = "info",
#       source = coordinates.file,
#       quiet = TRUE
#     )
#     coor.info <- unlist(strsplit(coor.info, "\n"))
#     coor.names <- coor.info[grepl(".*SUBDATASET_.*_NAME=", coor.info)]
#     coor.names <- gsub(".*SUBDATASET_.*_NAME=", "", coor.names)
#     coor.names <- gsub("\"", "", coor.names, fixed = TRUE)
#     lat <- file.path(ext.dir, "lat.vrt")
#     lon <- file.path(ext.dir, "lon.vrt")
#     gdal_utils(
#       util = "translate",
#       source = coor.names[2],
#       destination = lat,
#       options = c("-of", "VRT")
#     )
#     gdal_utils(
#       util = "translate",
#       source = coor.names[3],
#       destination = lon,
#       options = c("-of", "VRT")
#     )
#     # TODO remove GCP from vrt
#     # removeGCPfromVRT<-function(fpath){
#     #  a<-read_xml(fpath)
#     # }
#     newbands <- c()
#     for (np in newpaths) {
#       image.data <- gdal_utils(
#         util = "info",
#         source = np, quiet = TRUE
#       )
#       image.data <- unlist(strsplit(image.data, "\n"))
#       bands.names <- image.data[grepl(".*SUBDATASET_.*_NAME=", image.data)]
#       bands.names <- gsub(".*SUBDATASET_.*_NAME=", "", bands.names)
#       bands.names <- gsub("\"", "", bands.names, fixed = TRUE)
#       img.name <- gsub("\\.nc", "", basename(np))
#       # add projection
#       for (b in bands.names) {
#         b.tmp.name <- gsub(":", "_", paste0(gsub("\\.", "_", basename(b)),
#                                             ".vrt"))
#         b.name <- gsub("\\.vrt", ".tif", b.tmp.name)
#         out.tmp.file.name <- file.path(ext.dir, b.tmp.name)
#         print(out.tmp.file.name)
#         out.file.name <- file.path(ext.dir, b.name)
#         if (!file.exists(out.file.name)) {
#           gdal_utils(
#             util = "translate",
#             source = b,
#             destination = out.tmp.file.name,
#             options = c("-of", "VRT")
#           )
#           d <- readLines(out.tmp.file.name)
#           lines <- c(
#             as.character(d[1]),
#             '<metadata domain="GEOLOCATION">',
#             paste0('<mdi key="X_DATASET">', lon, "</mdi>"),
#             '<mdi key="X_BAND">1</mdi>',
#             paste0('<mdi key="Y_DATASET">', lat, "</mdi>"),
#             '<mdi key="Y_BAND">1</mdi>',
#             '<mdi key="PIXEL_OFFSET">0</mdi>',
#             '<mdi key="LINE_OFFSET">0</mdi>',
#             '<mdi key="PIXEL_STEP">1</mdi>',
#             '<mdi key="LINE_STEP">1</mdi>',
#             "</metadata>",
#             as.character(d[2:length(d)])
#           )
#           fileConn <- file(paste0(out.tmp.file.name))
#           writeLines(lines, fileConn)
#           close(fileConn)
#           gdal_utils(
#             util = "warp",
#             source = out.tmp.file.name,
#             destination = out.file.name,
#             options = c("-geoloc", "-t_srs", "EPSG:4326")
#           )
#         }
#         newbands <- c(newbands, out.file.name)
#       }
#     }
#     return(newbands)
#   }
#   allfun$filterchunks <- function(allfiles, bnds) {
#     allfiles[grepl(paste0(bnds, "$"), allfiles, ignore.case = TRUE)]
#   }
#   allfun$defineNodata <- function(chunks, bnds) {
#     0
#   }
#   allfun$bands.files <- c(
#     "Syn_Oa01_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa02_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa03_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa04_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa05_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa06_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa07_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa08_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa09_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa10_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa11_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa12_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa16_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa17_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa18_reflectance",
#     "Syn_Oa21_reflectance",
#     "Syn_S1N_reflectance",
#     "Syn_S1O_reflectance",
#     "Syn_S2N_reflectance",
#     "Syn_S2O_reflectance",
#     "Syn_S3N_reflectance",
#     "Syn_S3O_reflectance",
#     "Syn_S5N_reflectance",
#     "Syn_S5O_reflectance",
#     "Syn_S6N_reflectance",
#     "Syn_S6O_reflectance" # ,
#     # "Syn_SDR_removed_pixel"
#   )
#   # TODO band filter
#   npaths <- allfun$readfromscratch(mfiles[1],
#                                    bands.files = allfun$bands.files,
#                                    ...)
#   allfun$bands <- basename(npaths)
#   allfun
# }
spatialstatisticsupna/rsat documentation built on Dec. 13, 2024, 1:20 a.m.