Man pages for spatstat/s2
Google's S2 Library for Geometry on the Sphere

S2Cap_areaArea of s2cap
S2Cap_ContainsTest of Containment in S2Cap
S2CapFromAxisHeightConstruct a S2Cap using axis and height
S2Cap_GetRectBoundBounding latitude and longitude rectangle for spherical cap
S2CellMake a list of S2Cells
S2CellIdFromPointMake a Vector of S2CellIds From Points on the Sphere
S2CellId_ToPointConvert S2CellId to a S2Point
S2CellId_ToStringMake a vector of S2CellId strings
S2CoveringApproximate a Region on the Sphere by a Covering of S2Cells
S2LatLngRectCreate a rectangle of latitude and longitude on the sphere
S2LatLngRect_areaArea of s2latlngrect
s2-packages2: Google's S2 Library for Geometry on the Sphere
S2Point_interpolateInterpolation of points on unit sphere
S2PolygonConstruct a S2Polygon
S2Polygon_ContainsTest of Containment in S2Polygon
S2Polygons_areacompute areas for a list of s2polygons
S2Polygons_centroidcompute centroids for a list of s2polygons
S2Polygons_intersectfor two sets of s2polygons, which ones intersect?
S2Polygons_intersectionintersection of sets of s2polygons
S2Polygon_unionUnion and intersection of two s2polygons
S2Polyline_distDistance from points to line on sphere
spatstat/s2 documentation built on Aug. 16, 2019, 4:10 p.m.