knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, 
                      eval = FALSE,
                      comment = "#>",
                      fig.path = "man/figures/cru-ts-4.04-",
                      out.width = "100%",
                      dpi = 300, 
                      fig.width = 7)

This appendix shows how to generate the input files for the climate reconstructions, based on the CRU TS4.04 dataset (Harris et al., 2020).

The target output files are:


Raw data

Download the following files directly from the CEDA Archive (

ncfiles_raw <- c("",
ncfiles_var <- c("cld", "pre", "tmn", "tmx", "vap")
path <- "/path/to/CRU/4.04/"

Convert precipitation from [mm/month] to [mm/day]

  filename = file.path(path, ""),
  varid = "pre",
  output_filename =
    file.path(output_path, "")
Output file

Create monthly climatologies: 1961-1990

ncfiles_clim <- c("",

message("###### Create monthly climatologies: 1961-1990 ######")
for (i in seq_along(ncfiles_raw)) {
  message("Processing: ", ncfiles_var[i], "...")
    filename = file.path(path, ncfiles_raw[i]),
    varid = ncfiles_var[i],
    s_year = 1961,
    e_year = 1990,
    output_filename = file.path(output_path, ncfiles_clim[i])
Output files

Interpolate monthly data to daily

ncfiles_clim <- c("",
ncfiles_var <- c("cld", "pre", "tmn", "tmx", "vap")
ncfiles_clim_int <- c("",

message("###### Interpolate monthly data to daily ######")
for (i in seq_along(ncfiles_raw)) {
  message("Processing: ", ncfiles_var[i], "...")
    filename = file.path(output_path, ncfiles_clim[i]),
    varid = ncfiles_var[i],
    s_year = 1961,
    cpus = 20,
    output_filename = file.path(output_path, ncfiles_clim_int[i])
Output files

Calculate daily temperature

tmin <- file.path(path, "")
tmax <- file.path(path, "")
output_filename <- file.path(path, "")
codos::daily_temp(tmin = list(filename = tmin, id = "tmn"),
                  tmax = list(filename = tmax, id = "tmx"),
                  output_filename = output_filename)
Output file


Harris, I., Osborn, T.J., Jones, P., Lister, D., 2020. Version 4 of the CRU TS monthly high-resolution gridded multivariate climate dataset. Sci Data 7, 109.

special-uor/smpds documentation built on July 9, 2024, 5:39 p.m.