tps: Thin plate spline regression

tpsR Documentation

Thin plate spline regression


Thin plate spline regression


  resolution = 0.5,
  land_borders = rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale = "small", returnclass = "sf"),
  check_data = TRUE,
  z_var = NULL,
  z_mode = "independent",
  z_ref = NULL,
  cpus = 1,
  xy_pad = c(xmin = 0, ymin = 0, xmax = 0, ymax = 0),
  grid_boundary = NULL,



Data frame with spatial and climate data. The following are expected:

  • Latitude, named: latitude, lat or y.

  • Longitude, named: longitude, long, lon or y.

  • Main variable, named: value of var.


String with the name of the climate variable to interpolate.


Numeric value with the resolution (degrees) to interpolate.


Data frame with polygons to represent land borders (e.g. continents, countries, counties, etc.). Default: rnaturalearth::ne_countries.


Boolean flag to indicate whether .data should be checked or not (i.e. validate coordinates and main variable). Default: TRUE


String with the name of the variable containing information for elevation. If this is given, then the elevation is used for the interpolation.


String with the mode in which the elevation should be used:

  • z_mode = "independent" (Default), use the elevation as another independent variable to predict var.

  • z_mode = "covariate", use the elevation as a linear covariate to predict var.


Raster object or path to raster object with grid containing elevation information. For example the ETOPO5 (Earth topography 5 arc minute) data set.


Numeric value with the number of CPUs to use in the computation of the elevations for the interpolation grid.


Numeric vector of length 4. The entries should be named as follow: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. The values will be used to expand the interpolation grid horizontally (longitude) and vertically (latitude).


Numeric vector of length 4. The entries should be named as follow: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. The values will be used to manually specify the interpolation area.


Arguments passed on to fields::Tps


A polynomial function of degree (m-1) will be included in the model as the drift (or spatial trend) component. Default is the value such that 2m-d is greater than zero where d is the dimension of x.


Polynomial power for Wendland radial basis functions. Default is 2m-d where d is the dimension of x.


The independent variables and knots are scaled to the specified scale.type. By default the scale type is "range", whereby the locations are transformed to the interval (0,1) by forming (x-min(x))/range(x) for each x. Scale type of "user" allows specification of an and x.scale by the user. The default for "user" is mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Scale type of "unscaled" does not scale the data.


Determines what "smoothing" parameter should be used. The default is to estimate standard GCV Other choices are: GCV.model,, RMSE, pure error and REML. The differences are explained in the Krig help file.


If TRUE the decompositions are done to efficiently evaluate the estimate, GCV function and likelihood at multiple values of lambda.


If TRUE great circle distances are in miles if FALSE distances are in kilometers


tibble object with interpolated values.

special-uor/smpds documentation built on July 9, 2024, 5:39 p.m.