
## code to prepare the Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV) datasets,
## `PNV_1km` (1 km resolution) and `PNV_250m` (250 m resolution).
# Sources:
# 1km: Hengl, Tomislav, 2018, "Global Maps of Potential Natural Vegetation at 1 km resolution",, Harvard Dataverse, V4
# 250m: Hengl, T. (2019). Potential distribution of biomes (Potential Natural Vegetation) at 250 m spatial resolution.
URL_1km <- ""
URL_250m <- ""
# PNV_1km <- raster::brick("~/Downloads/pnv_biome.type_biome00k_c_1km_s0..0cm_2000..2017_v0.1.tif") |>
#   raster::readAll()
# PNV_250m <- raster::brick("~/Downloads/pnv_biome.type_biome00k_c_250m_s0..0cm_2000..2017_v0.2.tif") |>
#   raster::readAll()
PNV_1km <- raster::brick(system.file("references/pnv_biome.type_biome00k_c_1km_s0..0cm_2000..2017_v0.1.tif", package = "smpds"))
# PNV_250m <- raster::brick(system.file("extdata/pnv_biome.type_biome00k_c_250m_s0..0cm_2000..2017_v0.2.tif", package = "smpds"))

# Crop the PNV map
# p.region <- as(raster::extent(-25, 155, 25, 90), 'SpatialPolygons')
# raster::crs(p.region) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
# PNV <- raster::crop(pnv, p.region)

usethis::use_data(PNV_1km, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
# usethis::use_data(PNV_250m, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
special-uor/smpds documentation built on July 9, 2024, 5:39 p.m.