Database design and structure


Data dictionary

The dictionary contains a description of the data included in the SPIF_LFMC database.


| Entity | Variable | Data type | Description | Key | |------------------|------------------|-----------|--------------------------------------------------------------|-------------| | SITES | SamplingSiteCode | integer | not null, unique code to identify the sambpling site | Primary Key | | | SamplingSiteName | text | name of the sampling site | NA | | | LocalityCode | integer | unique code to identify the locality where the sampling sites are located | NA | | | LocalityName | text | name of the locality | NA | | | Latitude | real | geographic coordinates | NA | | | Longitude | real | geographic coordinates | NA | | | StartYear | integer | year when measurements started on the sampling site | NA | | | EndYear | integer | year when measurements started on the sampling site | NA | | | SensorCode | text | unique code for TDR sensor | Foreign Key | | SPECIES | SpeciesCode | integer | not null, unique code to identify the species | Primary Key | | | SpeciesName | text | scientific name | NA | | | SpeciesCAT | text | catalan common name | NA | | SITES_SPECIES | SiteSpCode | text | not null, unique | Primary Key | | | SamplingSiteCode | integer | not null, unique value to identify the locality and the sampling site | Foreign Key | | | SpeciesCode | integer | not null | Foreign Key | | LFMC | SampleCode | text | not null, unique value to identify the sample | Primary Key | | | SiteSpCode | text | not null | Foreign Key | | | Date | numeric | sampling data | NA | | | FreshMass | real | fresh weight of samples | NA | | | DryMass | real | dry weight of samples | NA | | | LFMC | real | derived attribute computed from FreshMass and DryMass (FM - DM / DM) | NA | | | DryStem | real | stem component of DryMass measurement | NA | | | DryLeaf | real | leaf component of DryMass measurement | NA | | | LeafStemRatio | real | derived attribute computed from DryLeaf and DryStem | NA | | | ManualOutlier | numeric | a flag indicating LFMC outliers manually identified | NA | | | AdditiveOutlier | numeric | a flag indicating LFMC additive outliers | NA | | | PhenologyCode | integer | | Foreign Key | | | Notes | text | | NA | | PHENOLOGY | PhenologyCode | integer | not null, unique value to identify the phenological stage | Primary Key | | | PhenologySystem | integer | old method = 1, current method = 2, for more details see the section 'Phenology coding' below | NA | | | PhenologicalStage| text | description of the phenological stage | NA | | TDR_SENSOR | SensorCode | text | not null, unique value to identify the sensor | Primary Key | | | SoilLevel | integer | soil depth at which measurements are made | NA | | SOIL_MEASUREMENTS| SMCode | text | not null, unique | Primary Key | | | SensorCode | text | not null, unique | Foreign Key | | | Date | numeric | | NA | | | Time | numeric | | NA | | | Moisture | real | soil moisture measured at different depths | NA | | | Temperature | real | soil temperature measured at different depths | NA |

Phenology coding

System 1

| Codi | Estat fenològic | |------|----------------------| | 1 | Vegetació | | 2 | Brotació | | 3 | Floració | | 4 | Fructificació | | 5 | Maduració |

System 2

| Espècie | Codi | Estat fenològic | |--------|------|----------------------| | Romaní | 10 | S'han obert les primeres flors | | Romaní | 01 | Floració plena (aprox. 50% de les flors obertes, algunes caigudes) | | Garric | 10 | Floració plena (aprox. 50 % de les flors mostren els estams) | | Garric | 01 | Glans mig madures (de color brunenc més o menys pujat i alguna ja ha caigut al terra)| | Pi blanc | 10 | Presencia de flors masculines i femenines | | Pi blanc | 01 | 50% de les pinyes del primer any (les que encara estan tancades) de color marró | | Estepa | 100 | S'han obert les primeres flors | | Estepa | 010 | Floració plena (aprox. 50% de les flors obertes, força pètals al terra) | | Estepa | 001 | Fruits (capsules) a mig madurar (color marró), alguns oberts | | Arboç | 100 | S'han obert les primeres flors | | Arboç | 010 | Floració plena (50% de les flors obertes i alguna ja ha caigut) | | Arboç | 001 | Cireres d'arboç a mig madurar (de colors entre taronja i vermell pujat, i alguna ja ha caigut) |

spif-ctfc/LFMC documentation built on Sept. 29, 2022, 2:21 a.m.