species_groups: Mediterranean woody plant checklist

Description Examples


The plant species list follows the Catalan Flora checklist (Bolos et al., 2005). Functional groups combines the biological fomr and the fire response strategy. Only Chamaephyta, Nanophanerophyta and Megaphanerophyta were included (Ch, NP, MP respectively). Fire response strategy was derived from the 'BROT' database (Paula and Pausas, 2003); when different possibilities exist for biological forms or fire response strategies we choose one based on our experience. Fire response strategy was only used within the NP group. NP taxons were grouped as Seeders, Facultative Resporuters and Resprouters (S,FR,R respectively). When we do not known the strategy for one taxon, the code uses the allometry of the NPFR species group.



spif-ctfc/medfuels documentation built on July 20, 2019, 5:57 a.m.