
This package contains one function - nsc_prep() - which prepares and writes a file that is ready for submission to the National Student Clearinghouse's StudentTracker service.

Begin by installing the package from CRAN and loading it:

install.packages("nscprepr") # first time only

Then, store a data frame containing (at minimum) the columns in the example below. The column names must be included (in any order) exactly as they are named in the example data frame (case sensitive)1. Notice that it is OK to violate some Clearinghouse requirements in your data frame, as nsc_prep() will resolve the issues (e.g., single digit days can be one (e.g., 3) or two (e.g., 03) digits, you can include full middle names as opposed to just the required single characters for the middle initial).

df <- data.frame(first = c("Ruth", "William", "Sandra"),
             middle = c("Bader", "J.", "D"),
             last = c("Ginsburg", "Brennan", "O'Connor"),
             suffix = c("", "Jr.", ""),
             dob = c("3/15/1933", "5/25/1906", "03/26/1930"),
             id = c(1, 2, 3),
             search_date = c("1/1/1952", "6/01/1930", "8/5/1971"))

Lastly, include your data frame in the nsc_prep() function along with your inquiry type and school's information1. A file will be saved to your working directory that is completely formatted and ready for submission to the National Student Clearinghouse's StudentTracker service (e.g., it will not include the column names that are printed in the data frame below).

# substitute your institution's information
nsc_prep(data = df, institution_code = "001509", branch_code = "00",
                institution_name = "Nova Southeastern University",
                inquiry_type = "SE") 

## # A tibble: 5 × 12
##   record_type    ssn   first                       middle     last suffix
##         <chr>  <chr>   <chr>                        <chr>    <chr>  <chr>
## 1          H1 001509      00 Nova Southeastern University 20170612     SE
## 2          D1           Ruth                            B Ginsburg       
## 3          D1        William                            J  Brennan    Jr.
## 4          D1         Sandra                            D O'Connor       
## 5          T1      5                                                     
## # ... with 6 more variables: dob <chr>, search_date <chr>, blank_1 <chr>,
## #   institution_code <chr>, branch_code <chr>, id <chr>

1For more details on the columns (and what they mean) and inquiry types required by the StudentTracker service, please visit

spirgel/nscprepr documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:20 a.m.