Man pages for spluque/diveMove
Dive Analysis and Calibration

austFilterFilter satellite locations
boutfreqsHistogram of log-transformed frequencies
boutinitFit "broken stick" model to log frequency data for...
boutsBECCalculate bout ending criteria from model coefficients
boutsCDFEstimated cumulative frequency for two- or three-process...
Bouts-classClass "Bouts" for representing Poisson mixtures for...
bouts-internalUtilities for Poisson mixture analyses
boutsMLEllLog likelihood function of parameters given observed data
boutsNLSllGeneralized log likelihood function taking any number of...
calibrateDepthCalibrate Depth and Generate a "TDRcalibrate" object
calibrateSpeedCalibrate and build a "TDRcalibrate" object
createTDRRead comma-delimited file with "TDR" data
detDive-internalDetect dives from depth readings
detPhase-internalDetect phases of activity from depth readings
distSpeedCalculate distance and speed between locations
diveModel-classClass "diveModel" for representing a model for identifying...
diveMove-defunctDefunct functions in package 'diveMove'
diveMove-deprecatedDeprecated functions in diveMove
diveMove-internalInternal diveMove Functions
diveMove-packageDive Analysis and Calibration
divesSample of TDR data from a fur seal
diveStatsPer-dive statistics
dot-runquantileQuantile of Moving Window
extractDiveExtract Dives from "TDR" or "TDRcalibrate" Objects
fitMLEboutsMaximum Likelihood Model of mixtures of 2 or 3 Poisson...
fitNLSboutsFit mixture of Poisson Processes to Log Frequency data via...
labDive-internalInternal Functions used for Detection of Dives
labelBoutsLabel each vector element or matrix row with bout membership...
plotBoutsPlot fitted Poisson mixture model and data
plotBoutsCDFPlot empirical and deterministic cumulative frequency...
plotDiveModelMethods for plotting models of dive phases
plotTDRMethods for plotting objects of class "TDR" and...
plotZOCMethods for visually assessing results of ZOC procedure
readLocsRead comma-delimited file with location data
rmixexpGenerate samples from a mixture of exponential distributions
rqPlotPlot of quantile regression for speed calibrations
sealLocsRinged and Gray Seal ARGOS Satellite Location Data
TDR-accessorsCoerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR"...
TDRcalibrate-accessorsMethods to Show and Extract Basic Information from...
TDRcalibrate-classClass "TDRcalibrate" for dive analysis
TDR-classClasses "TDR" and "TDRspeed" for representing TDR information
timeBudgetDescribe the Time Budget of Major Activities from...
spluque/diveMove documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 12:43 p.m.