title: "RNA velocity analysis of cellular dynamics using nlvelo" author: "Suoqin Jin" date: "r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')" output: html_document mainfont: Arial vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{RNA velocity analysis of cellular dynamics using nlvelo} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}

  collapse = TRUE,
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This vignette outlines the steps of RNA velocity analysis of cellular dynamics using nlvelo by applying it to studying the interfollicular epidermal cell transition dynamics during skin homeostasis.

Load the required libraries


Load loom files

# Here we load loom files of two replicates and then combined them together
ldat1 <- read.loom.matrices("/Users/suoqinjin/Dropbox/example_nlvelo/ms_uw_1.loom")
ldat2 <- read.loom.matrices("/Users/suoqinjin/Dropbox/example_nlvelo/ms_uw_2.loom")
ldat <- ldat1
emat1 <- ldat1$spliced;
emat2 <- ldat2$spliced;
emat <- cbind(emat1, emat2);
nmat1 <- ldat1$unspliced;
nmat2 <- ldat2$unspliced;
nmat <- cbind(nmat1, nmat2);
ldat$spliced <- emat; ldat$unspliced <- nmat;

Take an existing embedding for visualization

ydata <- read.delim("/Users/suoqinjin/Dropbox/example_nlvelo/projectedData_ump_UW_IFE.txt", row.names = 1, header = T)
emb <- as.matrix(ydata)

Subset the loom files for interested cells

# processing cell barcodes is data-specific
barcodes_loom <- colnames(ldat$spliced)
barcodes_loom <- substr(barcodes_loom,15,35) # change it if necessary
barcodes_loom <- gsub(":", "_", barcodes_loom) # change it if necessary
barcodes <- row.names(ydata)
barcodes <- substr(barcodes,1,21) # change it if necessary
# subset the loom files by matching the cell barcodes with the loaded cell embedding
idx = match(barcodes,barcodes_loom)
ldat$spliced <- ldat$spliced[,idx]; ldat$unspliced <- ldat$unspliced[,idx];
colnames(ldat$spliced) <- row.names(ydata);colnames(ldat$unspliced) <- row.names(ydata);
emat <- ldat$spliced; nmat <- ldat$unspliced;

Load cell labels and define cell colors

# cell.label should be a named factor
cell.label <- read.table("/Users/suoqinjin/Dropbox/example_nlvelo/clusters_UW_IFE.txt",sep = '\t',row.names=1,header=T)$cluster
names(cell.label) <- rownames(ydata)
# cell.colors should be also named
color.use <- c('#FF1622','#00b938','#3657df','#603A91','#F29233','#D6B239')
names(color.use) <- levels(cell.label)
cell.colors <- color.use[cell.label]
names(cell.colors) <- rownames(ydata)

Compute the cell-cell distance

# Pagoda2 is used to generate cell-cell distance matrix. You can alternatively generate those using other tools, such as Seurat
row.names(emat) <- make.unique(row.names(emat),sep = '_')
r <- Pagoda2$new(emat,modelType='plain',trim=10,log.scale=T)
# Calculate cell-cell distance matrix
cell.dist <- as.dist(1-armaCor(t(r$reductions$PCA)))

Filter genes based on the minimum average expresion count (in at least one of the clusters)

emat <- filter.genes.by.cluster.expression(emat,cell.label,min.max.cluster.average = 0.1) # filtered emat matrix
nmat <- filter.genes.by.cluster.expression(nmat,cell.label,min.max.cluster.average = 0.05)

Estimate RNA velocity using nlvelo (nonlinear model)

# using gene-relative model with k=30 cell kNN pooling and using top/bottom 2% quantiles for gamma fit:
rvel <- gene.relative.velocity.estimates(emat,nmat,kCells=30,cell.dist=cell.dist,fit.quantile=0.02)

Visualize velocity on an existing embedding

show.velocity.on.embedding.cor(emb,rvel,n=500,scale='sqrt',cell.colors=ac(cell.colors,alpha=0.8),cex=0.8,arrow.scale=3,show.grid.flow=TRUE,min.grid.cell.mass=0.5,grid.n=40,arrow.lwd=0.5,do.par=T,cell.border.alpha = 0.001,
                               xlab = "UMAP1", ylab = "UMAP2")

Save the workspace

save(emb, rvel, emat, nmat, cell.colors, cell.dist, file = "nlvelo_analysis_IFE.RData")

sqjin/nlvelo documentation built on Feb. 11, 2021, 8:09 a.m.