
The following document presents a set of notes from "EpiModel: An R Package for Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease over Networks".

Another interesting example is provided here

The process is as follows:

  1. Initialize and set the network calling network::network.initialize,

  2. Estimate the network parameters calling netest passing network effects, this will be used to simulate the dynamic network, and initialize the simulation calling (initial infected, recovered, etc.)

  3. Define the set of parameters that will be used during the simulation using

  4. Define the control functions for the simulation (the modules) using

  5. Run your simulation by calling netsim and passing your estimates from netest, the output from and from

Internal work of netsim from EpiModel

# Loop through steps
for (at in max(2, control$start):control$nsteps) {

  # Fetching the ordering in which modules happen
  morder <- control$module.order
  if (is.null(morder)) { <- control$bi.mods[-which(control$bi.mods %in% 
      c("initialize.FUN", "verbose.FUN"))]
    morder <- c(control$user.mods,

  # Applying the models (here is where the simulation actually happens)
  for (i in seq_along(morder)) {
    dat <-[[morder[i]]], list(dat, 

  # Printing results on screen
  if (!is.null(control[["verbose.FUN"]])) {[["verbose.FUN"]], list(dat, 
      type = "progress", s, at))

Extended Example

In this section, I review some of the examples presented in the document. The subsections are titled as the subsection in the original document. We first need to load the R packages that we will be used.


5.2. Example 1: Age-dependent mortality extension

The following lines of code introduce a new module that sets the mortality rate as a function of age (which is not included by default)

aging <- function(dat, at) {

  if (at == 2) {
    # Initializing age  
    n <- sum(dat$attr$active == 1)
    dat$attr$age <- sample(
      seq(from = 18, to = 69 + 11 / 12, by = 1 / 12),
      n, replace = TRUE)

  } else {
    # Increasing age
    dat$attr$age <- dat$attr$age + 1 / 12


  # Saving some stats: Average age
  if (at == 2) {
    dat$epi$meanAge <- c(NA, mean(dat$attr$age, na.rm = TRUE))
  } else {
    dat$epi$meanAge[at] <- mean(dat$attr$age, na.rm = TRUE)


This example shows how to create a new mortality extension, which is to replace the default function passed to as the argument deaths.FUN. Currently the default is

ages        <- 18:69
death.rates <- 1/(70*12 - ages*12)

dfunc <- function(dat, at) {

  # Finding active nodes
  idsElig <- which(dat$attr$active == 1)
  nElig   <- length(idsElig)
  nDeaths <- 0

  # If there are active nodes
  if (nElig > 0) {

    # Fetching their ages (from attr)
    ages    <- dat$attr$age[idsElig]

    # The maximun age is fetched from params
    max.age <- dat$param$max.age

    death.rates <- pmin(1, 1 / (max.age * 12 - ages * 12))
    vecDeaths <- which(rbinom(nElig, 1, death.rates) == 1)
    idsDeaths <- idsElig[vecDeaths]
    nDeaths <- length(idsDeaths)

    # If there are deads, then:
    #   - Set them as inactive,
    #   - Set the exit time,
    #   - And deactivate the vertices (and edges) in the network
    if (nDeaths > 0) {

      dat$attr$active[idsDeaths] <- 0
      dat$attr$exitTime[idsDeaths] <- at

      dat$nw <- deactivate.vertices(
        onset    = at,
        terminus = Inf,
        v        = idsDeaths,
        deactivate.edges = TRUE


  # Adding summary stats
  if (at == 2) {
    # In the first run, the statistic d.flow is created
    dat$epi$d.flow <- c(0, nDeaths)
  } else {
    # Then it is just filled
    dat$epi$d.flow[at] <- nDeaths


The following module replaces the birth.FUN (which by default is

bfunc <- function(dat, at) {

  # Getting some parameters
  growth.rate <- dat$param$growth.rate
  exptPopSize <- dat$epi$num[1] * (1 + growth.rate * at)
  n           <- network.size(dat$nw)
  numNeeded   <- exptPopSize - sum(dat$attr$active == 1)

  # If new births are needed, then simulate them using a poisson
  if (numNeeded > 0) {
    nBirths <- rpois(1, numNeeded)
  } else {
    nBirths <- 0

  # If there were new birdths, then add them to the network and 
  # activate them
  if (nBirths > 0) {
    dat$nw   <- add.vertices(dat$nw, nv = nBirths)
    newNodes <- (n + 1):(n + nBirths)
    dat$nw   <- activate.vertices(
      dat$nw, onset = at, terminus = Inf, v = newNodes

  # Initializing vertices atributes (if any)
  if (nBirths > 0) {
    dat$attr$active  <- c(dat$attr$active, rep(1, nBirths))
    dat$attr$status  <- c(dat$attr$status, rep("s", nBirths))
    dat$attr$infTime <- c(dat$attr$infTime, rep(NA, nBirths))
    dat$attr$age     <- c(dat$attr$age, rep(18, nBirths))

  # Saving stats
  if (at == 2) {
    dat$epi$b.flow <- c(0, nBirths)
  } else {
    dat$epi$b.flow[at] <- nBirths


The following new module computes and stores the mean degree through the simulation, notice that in the case of networkDynamic, the time starts at 0.

dfun <- function(dat, at) {

  if (at == 2) {
    dat$epi$meandeg <- c(0, mean(degree(network.extract(dat$nw, at = at - 1L))))
  } else {
    dat$epi$meandeg[at] <- mean(degree(network.extract(dat$nw, at = at - 1L)))

# Step 1: Bernoulli network
nw <- network::network.initialize(500, directed = FALSE)

# Step 2
est3 <- netest(
  nw, formation = ~edges, target.stats = 150,
  coef.diss = dissolution_coefs(~offset(edges), 60, mean(death.rates))

# Step 3: Passing the parameters
param <- = 0.15, growth.rate = 0.01/12, max.age = 70)
init <- = 50)

# Step 4: Passing the new functions
control <-
  type = "SI", nsims = 1, nsteps = 100, deaths.FUN = dfunc, births.FUN = bfunc,
  aging.FUN = aging, depend = TRUE, verbose = FALSE,

  # This function is new in
  deg.FUN = dfun

# Step 5: Running the simulation
sim3 <- netsim(est3, param, init, control)
# If our simulation worked, then we should be able to replicate the
# mean degree
degs <- sapply(1:100, function(i) {
  mean(degree(network.extract(sim3$network$sim1, at = i-1)))
  ) # This should be one!

5.3. Example 2: SEIR epidemic model

In this example the authors describe the a small set of modifications that can be done to the function so that there's an intermediate step in the process, exposed, the initial stage of the infection.

The code of follows: <- function (dat, at) 
    # Vector of attributes
    active <- dat$attr$active
    status <- dat$attr$status

    # Parameters of the network
    modes <- dat$param$modes
    mode <- idmode(dat$nw)

    inf.prob <- dat$param$inf.prob
    inf.prob.m2 <- dat$param$inf.prob.m2
    act.rate <- dat$param$act.rate

    # The actual network
    nw <- dat$nw
    tea.status <- dat$control$tea.status

    # Which ids are susceptible and infected?
    idsSus <- which(active == 1 & status == "s")
    idsInf <- which(active == 1 & status == "i")

    # How many are active?
    nActive <- sum(active == 1)
    nElig <- length(idsInf)
    nInf <- nInfM2 <- totInf <- 0

    # If there are elegible, then...
    if (nElig > 0 && nElig < nActive) {

        # Finding edges in which there are inf and suscept
        # this returns a data frame with ids of infect and suscept.
        del <- discord_edgelist(dat, idsInf, idsSus, at)

        # If there are any
        if (!(is.null(del))) {

            # How long have the infected been infected
            # This is relevant as the probability of infecting is a function
            # of this time
            del$infDur <- at - dat$attr$infTime[del$inf]
            del$infDur[del$infDur == 0] <- 1
            linf.prob <- length(inf.prob)

            # Specifying infection probabilities from mode 1 to 2 (if not specified)
            if (is.null(inf.prob.m2)) {

                del$transProb <- ifelse(del$infDur <= linf.prob, 
                  inf.prob[del$infDur], inf.prob[linf.prob])

            } # Otherwise, specify these according to the type of edge
            else {

                del$transProb <- ifelse(del$sus <= nw %n% "bipartite", 
                  ifelse(del$infDur <= linf.prob, inf.prob[del$infDur], 
                    inf.prob[linf.prob]), ifelse(del$infDur <= 
                    linf.prob, inf.prob.m2[del$infDur], inf.prob.m2[linf.prob]))

            if (!is.null(dat$param$inter.eff) && at >= dat$param$inter.start) {

                del$transProb <- del$transProb * (1 - dat$param$inter.eff)


            lact.rate <- length(act.rate)
            del$actRate <- ifelse(del$infDur <= lact.rate, act.rate[del$infDur], 
            del$finalProb <- 1 - (1 - del$transProb)^del$actRate
            transmit <- rbinom(nrow(del), 1, del$finalProb)
            del <- del[which(transmit == 1), ]
            idsNewInf <- unique(del$sus)
            nInf <- sum(mode[idsNewInf] == 1)
            nInfM2 <- sum(mode[idsNewInf] == 2)
            totInf <- nInf + nInfM2
            if (totInf > 0) {
                if (tea.status == TRUE) {
                  nw <- activate.vertex.attribute(nw, prefix = "testatus", 
                    value = "i", onset = at, terminus = Inf, 
                    v = idsNewInf)
                dat$attr$status[idsNewInf] <- "i"
                dat$attr$infTime[idsNewInf] <- at
                form <- get_nwparam(dat)$formation
                fterms <- get_formula_terms(form)
                if ("status" %in% fterms) {
                  nw <- set.vertex.attribute(nw, "status", dat$attr$status)
            if (any(names(nw$gal) %in% "")) {
                del$sus <-, del$sus)
                del$inf <-, del$inf)
    if (totInf > 0) {
        del <- del[!duplicated(del$sus), ]
        if (at == 2) {
            dat$stats$transmat <- del
        else {
            dat$stats$transmat <- rbind(dat$stats$transmat, del)
    if (at == 2) {
        dat$epi$si.flow <- c(0, nInf)
        if (modes == 2) {
            dat$epi$si.flow.m2 <- c(0, nInfM2)
    else {
        dat$epi$si.flow[at] <- nInf
        if (modes == 2) {
            dat$epi$si.flow.m2[at] <- nInfM2
    dat$nw <- nw

Own example

contagion <- function(dat, at) {


srdyal/diffusiontest documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 10:45 p.m.