FBRbeta: FBRbeta: A package for the FBR method based on beta series

Description FBRbeta functions Example


The Finite BOLD Response (FBR) is a method to analyze fMRI data. This method convolves the HRF with a design matrix. This design matrix includes several boxcars with a particular length. The FBR is a superior method in event-related designs and in models with lag between HRF onset and stimulus onset. The advantange of the FBR is that it is a flexible method, and it can estimate the BOLD. This current implication of the FBR is based on beta-series. Each BOLD will get several beta-values, depending on the amount and the length of the boxcars. The fbrbetafunc is the general functions for the FBR. This code consists of several other functions:

FBRbeta functions

The fbrbetafunc is the general functions for the FBR. This code consists of several other functions: A function to shuffle the first timing, timingmatrix A function to obtain the beta's from X and y, betafunc, A code to make boxcars of a particular timing boxcars, A code that combines timingmatrix and boxcars in a function called designmatrix


See the vignette for a nice example and step-by-step explanation.

sremmers/FBRbeta documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:18 a.m.