  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  include = T,
  dpi = 300
if (file.exists("../.Rprofile")) source("../.Rprofile")
library(ggplot2) contains data on lego sets, pieces, links to instructions, and more. API info is available at If you are planning to make many calls to the API, it may be faster to download their entire database at instead.

To get started using the API, you'll need to register for a key. Run the following command to get set up.


If you want to make your key part of your .Rprofile so that you don't have to remember it, use the rebrickable_save_credentials function:

rebrickable_save_credentials("your api key")

Basic API Calls

Every API call can return a list containing the parsed (formatted) content as well as the original call information.

colors <- rebrickable_colors(parse = F, follow_next = F)

By default, each command will follow "next" links to get all available pages of information. To turn this off, set follow_next = F.

Rebrickable contains detailed information on the parts in each set (including colors), as well as theme information, which is also available at sites like Brickset.

lego_set <- rebrickable_set_info("71040-1")

We can get the pieces in this particular set:

parts <- rebrickable_set_parts(set_id = "71040-1", page_size = 400, follow_next = T)

And even view the images of the 24 most common pieces in the set

knitr::include_graphics(arrange(parts, desc(quantity))$part_img_url[1:24])

Putting it all together

Lets' start by getting a data set containing each lego set by decade and year:


sets_by_decade <- tibble(min_year = seq(1950, 2010, by = 10), max_year = seq(1959, 2019, by = 10)) %>%
  mutate(sets = map2(min_year, max_year, ~rebrickable_sets(min_year = .x, max_year = .y, page_length = 100, follow_next = T)))

sets_by_decade <- sets_by_decade %>%
  select(decade = min_year, sets = sets) %>%

We can see how the number of pieces changes over time:

sets_by_decade %>%
  filter(num_parts > 1) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = year, y = num_parts)) + 
  geom_jitter(alpha = .2) + 
  geom_smooth() + 
  scale_y_log10("# Pieces") + 
  xlab("Year") + 
  ggtitle("Number of Pieces per year")

With a little bit more work, we can also see how the colors in lego have changed. Let's work with sets containing between 100 and 150 pieces.

part_list <- sets_by_decade %>%
  left_join(rebrickable_themes(), by = c("theme_id" = "id")) %>%
  filter(num_parts >= 100, num_parts <= 150) %>%
  head() %>%
  mutate(part_list = map(set_num, function(x){
    Sys.sleep(5) # be kind to servers!
    rebrickable_set_parts(set_id = x)

srvanderplas/LegoR documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 9:17 a.m.