Man pages for srvanderplas/nppd
Functions for Analysis at Nebraska Public Power District

betaBinomPosteriorParsFunction to calculate beta-binomial posterior parameters
commonality.cloudA word cloud showing the common words among documents
comparison.cloudPlot a cloud comparing the frequencies of words across...
equivBetaParsFunction to calculate beta prior parameters with data from a...
MakeWordcloudFunction to make a wordcloud
MakeWordFreqCreate a word frequency table from a list of words or phrases
MakeWordFreqCompareCreate a word frequency comparison table from a list of words...
mean_quantile_to_gamma_parsFunction to find parameters for a gamma distn
na_to_valueFunction to convert all NAs in a vector to a specified value
nppd-packageA short title line describing what the package does
quantiles_to_gamma_parsFunction to find parameters for a gamma distn
rcpp_hello_worldSimple function using Rcpp
safe_ifelseSafe (type maintained) version of ifelse
wordcloudWordcloud function, from the wordcloud package.
srvanderplas/nppd documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:42 a.m.