Man pages for ssaxe-usgs/METsteps
Aggregate Data to the HUC 2-10 Levels (one line, title case)

aggHRUTableToHUC10Aggregate HRU Table to HUC-10
aggregateFeatherAggregate Time Series Data in Feather Format
aggregateRasterToPolygonsAggregate Time Series Rasters to Polygons
arealWeightsHUC 2-10 Areal Weights
askRestartRRestart R session question
clRasterizeRasterize Polygons in Parallels
coinCoin of data set
COR.KfunLapply version of kendall correlation
COR.SfunLapply version of spearman correlation
createMETnameCreate File Name
CVfunLapply Version of Coefficient of Variation
DIFfunLapply version of difference
downscaleHUC10Downscale HUC-10 means to HUCs 2-8
envelopeEnvelope Polygons
exploreShinyShiny Application for Exploring Processed Datasets
extractMetadataExtract Metadata From File Name
filenamesFilename Extraction and Creation
HRUidsList of HRU IDs by Region
HRU_to_HUC10_percDataPercentages for HRU to HUC10 conversions
HUC10_ShapeHUC-10 Shapefile
HUCX_to_HUC10_percDataPercentages for HUCX to HUC10 conversions
importObsImport Zoo Observations
KSfunLapply version of KS test
METclearClear Everything From R Session
METstepsModel Evaluation Tool steps: A package for simplifying the...
nCellNumber of Cells in Object
NSEfunLapply version of NSE
pasteSentenceCreate Properly Structured Sentence
PBIASfunLapply version of PBIAS
PEAKfunLapply version of peak function
PEAKfun2Lapply version of peak2 function
polyHUC10HUC-10 Shapefile
polyHUC2HUC-2 Shapefile
polyHUC4HUC-4 Shapefile
polyHUC6HUC-6 Shapefile
polyHUC8HUC-8 Shapefile
rmFactorsRemove factors
RMSEfunLapply version of RMSE
SDfunLapply Version of Standard Deviation
sheadShort head of object
shinyFunExtractReturn Dataframe of Stats Functions
shinyFun_one_10th10th Percentile Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_one_25th25th Percentile Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_one_75th75th Percentile Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_one_90th90th Percentile Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_one_MaxMax Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_one_MeanLapply version of mean
shinyFun_one_MinMin Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_one_SLOPELapply version of SLOPE
shinyFun_poly_10th10th Percentile Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_poly_25th25th Percentile Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_poly_75th75th Percentile Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_poly_90th90th Percentile Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_poly_CVLapply Version of Coefficient of Variation
shinyFun_poly_MaxMax Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_poly_MeanLapply version of mean
shinyFun_poly_MinMin Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_poly_Standard_DevLapply Version of Standard Deviation
shinyFun_two_10th10th Percentile Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_two_25th25th Percentile Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_two_75th75th Percentile Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_two_90th90th Percentile Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_two_CVLapply Version of Coefficient of Variation
shinyFun_two_DifferenceLapply version of difference
shinyFun_two_Kendall_CorLapply version of kendall correlation
shinyFun_two_KS_TestLapply version of KS test
shinyFun_two_MaxMax Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_two_MeanLapply version of mean
shinyFun_two_MinMin Value of HUC for selected models
shinyFun_two_NSELapply version of NSE
shinyFun_two_Peak_TimingLapply version of peak function
shinyFun_two_Percent_BiasLapply version of PBIAS
shinyFun_two_RMSELapply version of RMSE
shinyFun_two_Spearman_CorLapply version of spearman correlation
shinyFun_two_Standard_DevLapply Version of Standard Deviation
shinyPlotExtractReturn Dataframe of Plotting Functions
shinyPlot_HUC_Example_PlotTitle Goes Here
shinyPlot_HUC_Mean_Percentile_and_ECDFMean Percentile and ECDF Plots
shinyPlot_HUC_Modeled_vs_ObservationalModeled vs Observation vs Envelopes
shinyPlot_HUC_mvtsplotMultivariate time series plot. Initiated after click
shinyPlot_HUC_Seasonal_DecompositionDecomposition Plot Decomposes time series into seasonal,...
shinyPlot_HUC_subHUC_PlotTime Series of subHUCs Within Selected Region
shinyPlot_HUC_Taylor_DiagramTaylor Diagram
shinyPlot_HUC_Time_Period_ComparisonDataset Time Period Comparison
shinyPlot_HUC_Time_Series_and_DifferencePrimary Time Series and Difference Plot after HUC Click
stateLinesCONUS States Shapefile
substrRightSubstring of a Character Vector From the Right
systemMemorySystem Memory
taylorTaylor Diagram
test_match_orderCheck matching between vectors
ticStart tic/toc function
timeOverlapTime Series Intersect
tocEnd tic/toc function
waterbalanceShinyShiny Application for Calculting CONUS Water Budget
zooHUCtoFeatherConvert to feather
ssaxe-usgs/METsteps documentation built on May 5, 2019, 5:54 p.m.