This is a simple package for converting Hydrologic Response Units (HRUs) values that are produced by the Monthly Water Balance Model (MWBM) or the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) into 1,900 NWIS streamgages. Gages were identified as reference gages by the GAGES-II dataset (Falcone, 2011).

Conversion values have been pre-calculated and are included in this package in /data.

More information on HRUs

More information on GAGES-II


devtools::install_github( repo = "ssaxe-usgs/hru2nwis" )


Generate example matrix
hru <- matrix( data = rnorm( n = 109951 * 10 ),
               nrow = 10,
               ncol = 109951 )
colnames( hru ) <- as.character( 1:109951 )

# or create with real data
hru <- hru2nwis::combine_hru_files( allFiles = 
                                      list.files( path       = "C:/Path/To/Containing/Folder",
                                                  full.names = T ) )
Convert to NWIS
nwis <- hru2nwis::convert_to_nwis( = hru )

ssaxe-usgs/hru2nwis documentation built on May 7, 2019, 9:39 a.m.