knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

These are just simple functions I find myself using often.

Miscellaneous data/coding functions

Clear variables and reset R
# clear variable and reset
clear( resetR = T )
# clear variables only
Simple timer
tic()     # start timer
toc()     # end timer
Object sizes
b( x )     # size in bytes
Kb( x )    #      in kilobytes
Mb( x )    #      in megabytes
Gb( x )    #      in gigabytes
Test if one number is a multiple of another
multipleof( x = 15,
            y = 5 )
Uninstall and reinstall development package from Github
reinstall(pkg  = 'saxy',
          repo = 'ssaxe-usgs)
Short head() - for when your matrix/dataframe has too many columns for the head() function
shead( x )

ssaxe-usgs/saxy documentation built on May 31, 2019, 11:45 p.m.