Man pages for stalynGuerrero/multisae
Small Area Estimation using plaucible values

cal.muniResult by municipality in exam Saber 3, 5 and 9 for 9th grade...
divipolaThe political and administrative division of Colombia
E.GREGGeneralized regression estimator (GREG)
etc2013Results of schools in the exam saber 3, 5 and 9, and the exam...
fitFHSmall Area Estimation under a Fay Herriot model.
jackknifeVarEstimated variance for the estimator GREG using the jackknife...
PlotMapColombiaPlot map of Colombia
ResultStudentStudents' results in saber 3, 5, and 9 exam in 2015
S.fitFHModel Selection Fay Herriot based on the CME
S.fitGREGModel selection for the GREG based on CME
ShapesColShapes de Colombia
stalynGuerrero/multisae documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:44 a.m.