Man pages for stamats/MKdescr
Descriptive Statistics

0MKdescr-packageDescriptive Statistics.
CVCompute CV
fiveNSFive-Number Summaries
glogCompute Generalized Logarithm
illustrateBoxplotIllustrate Box-and-Whisker Plots
illustrateQuantileIllustrate Quantiles
IQrangeThe Interquartile Range
meanADThe Mean Absolute Deviation
melt.longTransform data.frame to Long Form
qboxplotBox Plots
qbxp.statsBox Plot Statistics
sevenNSSeven-Number Summaries
simCorVarsSimulate correlated variables.
skippedMeanHyber-type Skipped Mean and SD
SMDCompute Standardized Mean Difference (SMD)
SNRCompute SNR
thyroidPlot TSH, fT3 and fT4 with respect to reference range.
transformationsNew Transformations for Use with ggplot2 Package
zscoreCompute z-Scores
stamats/MKdescr documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 2:11 p.m.