fit-method-return_codes: Extract return codes from CmdStan

fit-method-return_codesR Documentation

Extract return codes from CmdStan


The ⁠$return_codes()⁠ method returns a vector of return codes from the CmdStan run(s). A return code of 0 indicates a successful run.




An integer vector of return codes with length equal to the number of CmdStan runs (number of chains for MCMC and one otherwise).

See Also

CmdStanMCMC, CmdStanMLE, CmdStanVB, CmdStanGQ


## Not run: 
# example with return codes all zero
fit_mcmc <- cmdstanr_example("schools", method = "sample")
fit_mcmc$return_codes() # should be all zero

# example of non-zero return code (optimization fails for hierarchical model)
fit_opt <- cmdstanr_example("schools", method = "optimize")
fit_opt$return_codes() # should be non-zero

## End(Not run)

stan-dev/cmdstanr documentation built on Aug. 13, 2024, 5:13 p.m.