Man pages for statapps/bhm
Biomarker Threshold Models

bhmFitting Biomarker Threshold Models
bhm-packageAn R package for the biomarker threshold models
brmFitting Biomarker Continuous Threshold Models
controlAuxiliary function for bhm fitting
ggkmCreates a Kaplan-Meier plot with at risk tables below
glmpLRTPenalized likelihood ratio test for the generalized linear...
llmFit an L-shape linear model
mplJoint models for clustered data with binary and survival...
multiRootm-Dimensional Root (Zero) Finding
numHessianCalculate Hessian or Information Matrix
numScoreCalculate the Score / Jacobian Function
picexpThe Piecewise Exponential Distribution
pIndexProbability Index for Survival Time Difference
pIndexControlAuxiliary function for pIndex fitting
plotPlot a fitted biomarker threhold model
printprint a fitted object or a summary of fitted object
resbootRresidual Bootstrap Test (RBT) for treatment-biomarker...
rmscbFitting Restricted Mean Survival Time Models with a...
statapps/bhm documentation built on April 5, 2024, 3:31 a.m.