lplb-package: Local Partial Likelihood Boostrap test

Description Details Author(s) References See Also Examples


This package fits a multivariable local partial likelihood model for covariate-biomarker interaction with survival data.


"lplb" is a R package for multivariate covariate-biomarker interaction uisng local partial likelihood method.

Please use the following steps to install 'lplb' package:

1. First, you need to install the 'devtools' package. You can skip this step if you have 'devtools' installed in your R. Invoke R and then type


2. Load the devtools package.


3. Install "lplb" package with R commond


"lplb" uses local partial likelihood to etimate covariate-biomarker interactions and bootstrap method to test the significance of the interactions.


Siwei Zhang and Bingshu E. Chen

Maintainer: Bingshu E. Chen <>


1. Zhang, S., Jiang, W. and Chen, B. E. (2016). Estimate and test of multivariate covariates and biomarker interactions for survival data based on local partial likelihood. Manuscript in preparation.

2. Liu, Y., Jiang, W. and Chen, B. E. (2015). Testing for treatment-biomarker interaction based on local partial-likelihood. Statistics in Medicine. 34, 3516-3530.

See Also

coxph, bhm, survival


# fit = lplb(y~trt+age+biomarker)

statapps/lplb documentation built on July 10, 2021, 6:14 p.m.