Man pages for statapps/power.ctepd
Power and sample size for clinical trials and epidemiology

conditional.powerConditional power for sequential tests.
n.pick.winnerSample size calculation for Simon's pick winner design
power.2surv.testPower and sample size for survival distribution (Two-sample)
power.ctepd-packagePower and sample size for clinical trials and epidemiology
power.fdr.ttPower and sample size for False Discovery Rate (FDR) with...
power.pgaPower and sample size for case-control genetics studies
power.rq.testPower and sample size for quantile regression.
power.surv.testPower and sample size for survival distribution (One-sample)
rqfunrqfun object.
smr.caStandard mortality ratio (SMR) for Canadian population
survexp.caCanadian Census Data for the Expected Survival and Person...
statapps/power.ctepd documentation built on April 26, 2024, 3:22 a.m.