
output: pdf_document

title: "A demonstration of the nproc package" author: "Yang Feng, Jingyi Jessica Li and Xin Tong" date: "2017-08-17" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{nproc demo} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}

We provide a detailed demo of the usage for \verb+nproc+ package.


Installation and Package Load

Neyman-Pearson Classification

Neyman-Pearson Receiver Operator Curve


Let $(X, Y)$ be random variables where $X\in \mathcal{X}$ is a vector of $d$ features and $Y \in {0,1}$ represents a binary class label. A data set that contains independent observations ${(x_i, y_i)}{i=1}^{n+m}$ sampled from the joint distribution of $(X, Y)$ are often divided into training data ${(x_i, y_i)}{i=1}^{n}$ and test data ${(x_i, y_i)}_{i=n+1}^{n+m}$.

Based on training data, a \textit{classifier} $\phi(\cdot)$ is a mapping $\phi: \mathcal{X}\rightarrow {0,1}$ that returns the predicted class label given $X$. Classification error occurs when $\phi(X)\neq Y$, and the binary loss is defined as $1(\phi(X)\neq Y)$, where $1(\cdot)$ denotes the indicator function. The risk is defined as $R(\phi)= E[1(\phi(X)\neq Y)]=P(\phi(X)\neq Y)$, which can be expressed as a weighted sum of type I and II errors: $R(\phi)=P(Y=0)R_0(\phi)+P(Y=1)R_1(\phi),$ where $R_0(\phi)=P(\phi(X)\neq Y|Y=0)$ denotes the type I error, and $R_1(\phi)=P(\phi(X)\neq Y|Y=1)$ denotes the type II error.

The classical classification paradigm aims to find an oracle classifier $\phi^$ by minimizing the risk, $\phi^=\arg\min_{\phi}R(\phi)$.

In contrast, the NP classification paradigm aims to mimic the NP oracle classifier ${\phi}^_\alpha$ with respect to a pre-specified type I error upper bound $\alpha$, $\phi^\alpha=\arg\min{\phi:~R_0(\phi)\leq\alpha}R_1(\phi)$, where $\alpha$ reflects users' conservative attitude (priority) towards the type I error.

Installation and Package Load

Like many other R packages, the simplest way to obtain nproc is to install it directly from CRAN. Type the following command in R console:

install.packages("nproc", repos = "")

Users may change the repos options depending on their locations and preferences. Other options such as the directories where to install the packages can be altered in the command. For more details, see help(install.packages).

Here the R package has been downloaded and installed to the default directories.

Alternatively, users can download the package source at and type Unix commands to install it to the desired location.

Then we can load the nproc package:


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Neyman-Pearson Classification

Here, we provide a demonstration of Neyman-Pearson Classification with a type-I error control. In the first step, we create a dataset (x,y) from a logistic regression model with 2 features and sample size 1000.

n = 1000
x = matrix(rnorm(n*2),n,2)
c = 1+3*x[,1]
y = rbinom(n,1,1/(1+exp(-c)))

A visualization of the two classes.

legend("topright",legend=c('Class 1','Class 0'),col=1:2,pch=c(1,2))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

Then, the npc function can be called to perform the Neyman-Pearson Classification (npc). If one would like to use Linear Discriminant Analysis as the classifier, we can set method = "lda". The default type I error control is alpha=0.05. The alpha value can be changed to any desirable type I error upper bound in $(0,1)$.

fit = npc(x, y, method = "lda", alpha = 0.05)

We can now evaluate the prediction performance of the NP classifier on a test set (xtest, ytest) generated as follows.

xtest = matrix(rnorm(n*2),n,2)
ctest = 1+3*xtest[,1]
ytest = rbinom(n,1,1/(1+exp(-ctest)))

We calculate the overall accuracy of the classifier as well as the realized Type I error. It is shown that the Type I error is smaller than alpha.

pred = predict(fit,xtest)
fit.score = predict(fit,x)
accuracy = mean(pred$pred.label==ytest)
cat("Overall Accuracy: ",  accuracy,'\n')
## Overall Accuracy:  0.708
ind0 = which(ytest==0)
typeI = mean(pred$pred.label[ind0]!=ytest[ind0]) #type I error on test set
cat('Type I error: ', typeI, '\n')
## Type I error:  0.02216749

The classification method implemented in the npc function includes the following options.

Now, we can try the change the method to logistic regression and change alpha to 0.1.

fit = npc(x, y, method = "logistic", alpha = 0.1)
pred = predict(fit,xtest)
accuracy = mean(pred$pred.label == ytest)
cat("Overall Accuracy: ",  accuracy,'\n')
## Overall Accuracy:  0.798
ind0 = which(ytest == 0)
typeI = mean(pred$pred.label[ind0] != ytest[ind0]) #type I error on test set
cat('Type I error: ', typeI, '\n')
## Type I error:  0.08866995

The package also provides implementation of the ensembled classifier. One can set the value split to the number of splits. Here, we try to change the number to 11.

fit = npc(x, y, method = "logistic", alpha = 0.1, split = 11)
pred = predict(fit,xtest)
accuracy = mean(pred$pred.label == ytest)
cat("Overall Accuracy: ",  accuracy,'\n')
## Overall Accuracy:  0.802
ind0 = which(ytest == 0)
typeI = mean(pred$pred.label[ind0] != ytest[ind0]) #type I error on test set
cat('Type I error: ', typeI, '\n')
## Type I error:  0.091133

Let's see the performance of this dataset using all implemented methods as a comparison.

methodlist = c("logistic", "penlog", "svm", "randomforest",
                                        "lda", "nb", "ada")
for(method in methodlist){
fit = npc(x, y, method = method, alpha = 0.05)
pred = predict(fit,xtest)
accuracy = mean(pred$pred.label==ytest)
cat(method, ': Overall Accuracy: ',  accuracy,'\n')
ind0 = which(ytest==0)
typeI = mean(pred$pred.label[ind0]!=ytest[ind0]) #type I error on test set
cat(method, ': Type I error: ', typeI, '\n')
## logistic : Overall Accuracy:  0.708 
## logistic : Type I error:  0.02216749 
## penlog : Overall Accuracy:  0.709 
## penlog : Type I error:  0.02216749 
## svm : Overall Accuracy:  0.52 
## svm : Type I error:  0.05665025 
## randomforest : Overall Accuracy:  0.613 
## randomforest : Type I error:  0.01477833 
## lda : Overall Accuracy:  0.708 
## lda : Type I error:  0.02216749 
## nb : Overall Accuracy:  0.713 
## nb : Type I error:  0.02216749 
## ada : Overall Accuracy:  0.731 
## ada : Type I error:  0.03448276

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Neyman-Pearson Receiver Operator Curve

The package provides an implmentation of Neyman-Pearson Receiver Operator (nproc) band via the function nproc. Here is a brief demo. We use the same data in the NP classifier, i.e., a dataset (x,y) from a logistic regression model with 2 features and sample size 1000. Then, we can call the nproc function with a specificed classifier.

fit = nproc(x, y, method = "svm")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

The implementation with linear discriminant analysis is as follows.

fit2 = nproc(x, y, method = "lda")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

The package provides comparison ability between two different NP-ROC bands. The following compares the NP-ROC bands. generated by logistic regression with the two predictors. The graph shows the regions of the alpha values where one NP-ROC band is significantly better than the other one.

n = 1000
x1 = c(rnorm(n), rnorm(n) + 1)
x2 = c(rnorm(n), rnorm(n)*sqrt(6) + 1)
y = c(rep(0,n), rep(1,n))
fit1 = nproc(x1, y, split = 11, method = 'lda')
fit2 = nproc(x2, y, split = 11, method = 'lda')
v = compare(fit1, fit2)
legend('topleft',legend = c(expression(X[1]),expression(X[2])),col = 1:2,lty = c(1,1))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

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statcodes/nproc documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:42 a.m.