Man pages for statistiekcbs/cbsccb
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) Open Data API Client v4

cbs4_add_date_columnConvert the time variable into either a date or numeric.
cbs4_add_label_columnsAdd understandable labels to a table
cbs4_add_unit_columnAdd unit column to observations
cbs4_downloadDownload observations and metadata
cbs4_get_catalogsRetrieve all (alternative) catalogs of Statistics Netherlands
cbs4_get_dataGet data from CBS
cbs4_get_datasetsGet available datasets
cbs4_get_metadataRetrieve the metadata of a publication
cbs4_get_observationsGet observations from a table.
cbs4_searchSearch table with search term
odata4_containsDetect substring in column
odata4_eqDetect codes in a column
statistiekcbs/cbsccb documentation built on April 8, 2022, 2:38 a.m.